
5 Causes of Toothache Aside From Cavities

Do you ever wake up with a throbbing toothache that just won't quit? Perhaps your first instinct is to assume it's related to a cavity. However, cavities are a common cause of tooth pain, but they are not the only reason your teeth might be hurting. Many other potential causes of a toothache may or may not be accompanied by additional symptoms.

If you regularly experience a toothache, you may need to reexamine why and how it happens and what other symptoms arise. Different conditions bring out toothache, including trigeminal neuralgia. This chronic pain condition brings extreme discomfort and can affect you more than the bouts of toothache. Therefore, you will want to find a way to relieve trigeminal neuralgia in Manila right away, as it can affect your daily routine and reduce your quality of life.

Below are other potential reasons why teeth could be hurting. Knowing what you're experiencing can help you find more efficient care:

#1. Previous dental procedure

Tooth and facial pain can happen following a dental procedure like a tooth extraction or a more complicated procedure like a root canal. Your pain and discomfort may be over once the swelling subsides. However, if you notice your symptoms worsening, please inform your dentist right away and request a follow-up check-up. This is the recommended way to know if any additional procedure is necessary or if you are suffering from complications such as:

  • Gingivitis

  • Loose crown

  • Tooth fracture

  • Tissue growth such as cysts, gingival hyperplasia, or others

#2. Teeth grinding

This condition is also referred to as sleep bruxism and is a common dental problem. Stress, anger, or fear are all possible triggers of teeth grinding. But misaligned jawbones, crooked or missing teeth, and even sleep apnea can all contribute to the problem. 

In addition, the clenching and other involuntary movements of your jaw may lead to teeth and cheek pain when you wake up in the morning. Teeth grinding may also lead to earaches, broken teeth, sleep issues, and temporomandibular joint pain.

If you have the bad habit of teeth grinding, there are proven bruxism remedies that can help you cope, such as:

  • Wearing a mouthguard during sleep

  • Engaging in physical activities

  • A warm and relaxing bath before sleeping

  • Stress management

  • Having your upper cervical bones assessed for possible misalignment

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and trigeminal neuralgia, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.


#3. Sialadenitis

This is an inflammatory condition affecting a person's salivary glands. Sialadenitis is a rare health problem that brings discomfort to the ears, facial muscles, chin, mouth, and throat. Some cases also cause toothache when the condition worsens. A diagnosis by your primary doctor is the most efficient first step to help control the disease. Antibiotics or antiviral drugs are also used to fight the pathogens that bring about your symptoms. 

#4. Periodontal disease

This gum disease increases the chances of damage to the soft tissues in the mouth. The teeth attached to the affected tissue can also be affected and may bring you extreme toothaches and even facial pain. Most cases of gum disease develop due to poor hygiene. They also heal quickly with the help of antibiotics and other medications. 

#5. Trigeminal neuralgia

Around 15,000 people in the USA get a trigeminal neuralgia diagnosis each year This neurological condition brings extreme facial pain from a compressed trigeminal nerve. This particular nerve bundle innervates various parts of the face. Hence, compression and stress of the main trigeminal nerve make simple activities such as touching your face or brushing your teeth extremely painful for a few minutes that can last several hours. 

Some people with trigeminal neuralgia visit an upper cervical chiropractor to help with their symptoms. This is because a cervical spine misalignment can lead to nerve compressions. Through upper cervical chiropractic adjustments, the nerves affected get relieved from stress and compression, helping the an affected individual heal and recover slowly.


Upper Cervical Care for Trigeminal Neuralgia

Many conditions cause your teeth to hurt. The first step to getting proper care is to get yourself checked by a professional. Once you get a proper diagnosis, you can work on finding the best ways to ease your pain and discomfort and hopefully resolve the main problem.

If you get a diagnosis of trigeminal neuralgia and want to steer clear of the medication and pursue natural options, it might help to try upper cervical care. Luckily there are chiropractor now capable of helping relieve trigeminal neuralgia in Manila. 

With the help of an upper cervical chiropractor, you can find and correct unnatural alignments in the topmost section of your neck that affects the trigeminal nerve. These bones are the C1 and C2 vertebrae located in the neck area. Misalignments potentially cause excessive pressure on the trigeminal nerve, leading to the onset of painful symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia.

Once the C1 and C2 bones are back to their original alignment, you can get rid of the interference and free the compressed nerves, such as the trigeminal nerve, from the pressure and stress, letting them heal. An upper cervical chiropractic adjustment will also reduce the effect of trigeminal neuralgia so you can start to find your usual activities enjoyable and pain-free again, including eating your favorite food, talking to loved ones, and smiling for the camera. 

Relieve trigeminal neuralgia in Manila with N8 Upper Cervical Chiropractic

We can help you plan the best approach to relieve trigeminal neuralgia in Manila. Schedule your appointment to have your spine checked by using this online contact form or call (632) 85536218, (63) 9175710212, or (63) 9778377286. Discover the benefits of upper cervical care for trigeminal neuralgia pain relief. Call us today and work with Miguel Flores D.C. or Gabriel Flores D.C!

To schedule a consultation with N8 Upper Cervical Chiropractic clinic, call (02) 8553-6218 or just click the button below.


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