
Searching for Relief from Menieres in the Philippines

A condition that affects the vestibular system, Meniere’s disease generally presents with 4 specific symptoms.   

  1. Vertigo – These episodes recur and result in a feeling that the room is spinning. A person may lose their balance or experience nausea and vomiting.  
  2. Loss of Hearing – As Meniere’s progress hearing may come and go. Eventually, some of the hearing loss can become permanent.
  3. Tinnitus – Meniere’s causes a ringing in the ears that ranges from mild to very loud and disruptive.   
  4. A feeling of pressure or fullness in the ear – This is a result of changes to the fluid in the ear.   

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo download our complimentary e-book How to Naturally Relieve Vertigo without Drugs by clicking the image below:

Many things can affect the delicate balance of the inner ear. If there is a change in the volume of fluid in the ear, or if the amount of pressure or chemical makeup changes, the symptoms of Meniere’s can result. Research from one US  University has linked Meniere’s disease with other health conditions that involve a reduction in the flow of blood to the brain (migraines, for example). This presents an opportunity to seek natural relief.  

How an Upper Cervical Chiropractor Can Help  

Because Meniere’s disease has been linked to blood flow, upper cervical alignment is a must for anyone suffering from the symptoms of Meniere’s. The C1 and C2 vertebrae have to be aligned properly , or blood flow to the brain can be reduced.  

Miguel Flores, DC and Gabriel Flores, DC are upper cervical chiropractors in Manila, Philippines. These chiropractors are trained to diagnose and correct upper cervical misalignments. After such a correction, you may find that the symptoms  of your Meniere’s disease lessen in severity or resolve altogether.  


  1. Mayo Clinic. Meniere's Disease. [homepage on the Internet]. 2012 [cited 2015 May 29]. Available from: 

  2. Passary A. Cure for Meniere's disease discovered? : LIFE : Tech Times. [homepage on the Internet]. 2014 [cited 2015 May 29]. Available from: 

To schedule a consultation with N8 Upper Cervical Chiropractic office, call (02) 8553-6218 or just click the button below.


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