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Types of Migraines Seen in Athletes

Migraines can be brought about due to an injury playing sports. This type of a migraine happens because of a temporary disturbance in brain function. Episodes usually begin with problems with vision and going in and out of consciousness. This starts within ten minutes of being hit in the head and usually goes away in about a day’s time. Some symptoms include being nauseous, throwing up, and having a severe headache. This type of a migraine has been seen to occur during such sporting events as volleyball, soccer, wrestling, and football. The main trigger is head trauma.

Post-Traumatic Migraine

These migraines come on after an initial headache. They are, again, trauma related, meaning the person was not having migraines before they experienced head trauma. This is believed to happen because something in the way the brain works has been changed. Even a minor head trauma, such as being hit by a volleyball, can cause this. It can lead to daily headaches, tension headaches, or migraines.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and headaches download our free e-book Natural and Drug-Free Ways to End Your Migraines by clicking the image below.


Getting Better

It has been noted that athletes with sports-related injuries that have not been cared for can have a deterioration of the spine. The tissue responsible for holding the spine in place can be torn, and this affects the integrity of the spinal column. The top two vertebrae of the neck are most susceptible. Misalignments often happen here because of the mobility of this area. A misalignment can cause a person’s posture to change, can hinder the flow of spinal fluid, and can impede cerebral blood and nerve flow. What can be done? 

It is important to get help from a professional as soon as the injury occurs. Upper cervical chiropractors are trained to look for this type of misalignment and then work to correct it. When this is done, the body takes over and begins to heal from the injury. All systems of the body once again begin to work properly, and sports-related migraines may be a thing of the past. 

To schedule a consultation with N8 Upper Cervical Chiropractic clinic, call (02) 8553-6218 or just click the button below.


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