
A Little-Known Cause of Sciatica

Back Pain, Back Ache, Pinched Nerve, Numbness, Tingling, Sciatica

Sciatica flare-ups can be very aggravating. Most people are familiar with where this nerve is located; however, many do not know that it runs underneath a muscle called the piriformis. A tight piriformis muscle can be one of the potential culprits of sciatic nerve pain. Piriformis syndrome includes the following symptoms:

  • Ongoing ache, tingling, numbness, or pain in the glute region
  • Aching, numbness, tingling, or pain extending down into the back of the thigh and calf, potentially also into the foot 
  • Pain worsening when sitting on harder surfaces (i.e. bike seat, car seat, toilet seat)

    Typical management of sciatic pain from piriformis syndrome includes rest, rehabilitation, and potential NSAIDs. In severe cases, a corticosteroid injection may be administered. Here at N8 Upper Cervical Chiropractic, we look for the underlying cause of your sciatic nerve pain. We want you to be able to do the activities you enjoy without worrying if sciatica will strike.

How Is My Neck Related to My Sciatica?

    Your spinal cord sends signals to and from your brain. Your nerves branch off of your brain and spinal cord. Your spine is designed to protect your spinal cord. When the top bone in your spine (atlas) is out of alignment, it creates spinal cord tension. This tension leads to the signals becoming distorted. Improper signals can lead to postural imbalance, pain, and muscle spasms. One of the ways an atlas misalignment can create sciatica is through muscle imbalance. Muscle tension can increase on one side of the body, causing one hip to be higher than the other. This causes one leg to be slightly shorter than the other.

    I am trained in NUCCA – a gentle, specific type of chiropractic that is aimed at correcting the atlas. This gentle approach does not involve any popping or twisting the neck. Through realignment of the atlas, there is reduced pressure on the spinal cord. This allows for proper messages to be sent to and from the brain. This leads to proper signals being sent to and from the brain, potentially creating balanced posture. Less muscle tension leads to even hips, possibly reducing sciatica symptoms.

    Alibhoy described a case study of a 45-year-old woman who experienced sciatica down both legs, along with other health issues. After approximately one month of specific atlas chiropractic care, her left leg sciatica resolved. Her right leg sciatica had improved 60%. After six months of care, her right leg sciatica had decreased 98%.


1. Liebert P. Piriformis Syndrome [Internet]. Merck Manuals Consumer Version. 2016 [cited 25 April 2016]. Available from:

2. Alibhoy N. Resolution of Fibromyalgia Following Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care: A Case Study. J Upper Cerv Chiro Res [Internet]. 2011 [cited 25 April 2016];2011(June):39-44. Available from:

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