
The Basics of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia, Fatigue, Chronic Fatigue, Always Tired, Tired, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, CFSFibromyalgia is known for causing pain throughout the entire body. It is chronic in nature and affects almost every part of a person’s life. It can be extremely frustrating and exhausting.

About Fibromyalgia

Two conditions that accompany fibromyalgia are:

Hyperesthesia: This occurs when a person’s central nervous system begins to increase his sensitivity to such things as pain, light, and noise.

Allodynia: This is similar to the above, but does not have to be stimulated to feel pain. Therefore, pain is felt when there is actually no pain.

Fibromyalgia has to do with the central nervous system and how it responds to sensations within the body. That is why the occurrence of hyperesthesia and allodynia are seen.

Another area significantly affected by fibromyalgia has to do with sleep. Restorative sleep is often not possible for such ones. This is not just how much sleep a person gets but how well he sleeps and how deeply he is resting. Often the lack of sleep is due to the sensitivities to other body sensations. Being hypersensitive to stimulation can make sleep elusive.

An Encouraging Example

In one situation, a 31-year-old woman had been in a number of accidents starting at age 5. The accidents were severe and continued on into her adult life. She was coping with chronic pain by taking various prescription drugs. However, she found that this really was not solving her pain issues. She began searching for a different, more natural approach. She discovered an upper cervical chiropractor. Finally, she was able to find some relief from her fibromyalgia. Through a gentle procedure that does not involve popping or twisting of the spine, she got her spine back into alignment.

The top bones of the neck are vital to a person’s health and well-being. If someone has been in an accident or had some sort of injury to the head or neck, even if it was minor and occurred many years ago, it is a good idea to consult with an upper cervical chiropractor. A precise adjustment may help a person get back to feeling better.

To schedule a consultation with N8 Upper Cervical Chiropractic clinic, call (02) 8553-6218 or just click the button below.


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