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A Connection Between Fibromyalgia and the Spine

Fibromyalgia  is characterized by chronic, widespread pain that is often accompanied by such things as problems sleeping and unclear thinking. It is believed that as many as 20 million people in the USA suffer from fibromyalgia, with women being 10 times more likely than men to suffer from this issue.  

Unfortunately, this condition is still being studied with few answers as to why it occurs and how to prevent it. However, some new research is being done that is looking at what part the spine and  spinal cord play in fibromyalgia. It has been discovered that these patients are feeling pain in a different manner than those without fibromyalgia. In these patients, pain is magnified—probably as a result of a sensory processing issue within the spinal cord and brain referred to as central sensitization. This is exciting news as it may lead researchers to finally find a way to care for and maybe even prevent fibromyalgia in the future. 

The Spine and Fibromyalgia

If a misalignment exists in one of the top two bones of the neck, this can negatively affect the spinal cord. The spinal cord is actually meant to be protected by these bones. However, injury and damage can actually have the opposite effect. An upper cervical chiropractic visit begins by carefully examining a patient’s necks to see if a misalignment is present. Then a gentle, precise method is used to correct this misalignment.

A number of  case studies have revealed that upper cervical chiropractic care does help fibromyalgia patients cope more effectively with their pain. Most people report seeing a decrease in their symptoms and some even have this condition go away completely after only a few adjustments. This happens because once the misalignment is corrected, the brain and body can begin communicating through the spinal cord once again. When the body is functioning properly, the end result is a happier and healthier person.

To schedule a consultation with N8 Upper Cervical Chiropractic clinic, call (02) 8553-6218 or just click the button below.


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