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Top 5 Risk Factors for Developing Low Back Pain

Lower Back Pain, Lower Back, Back Pain, Back Ache, Pinched Nerve, Numbness, Tingling, Sciatica Pain Relief, Sciatica, injury, back injury, work injury, Disc Herniation, Disc Herniation Relief Posture, Proper Posture, Back Pain, Back Pain Relief, Back Ache, Lower Back Pain, Lower Back Pain Relief

Low back pain is an almost universal experience.  At some point or another, everyone will experience a bout with it.  Most of the time, a simple, acute case of low back pain will subside on its own.  However, there are certain factors that lend themselves to developing, and perhaps suffering from low back pain for longer periods of time.

  1. Age – The first episode of low back pain may occur between the ages of 30 and 50 and occur more frequently with advancing age.  This has a lot to do with decreased spinal health and degeneration of bone strength and discs.

  2. Weight Gain – Carrying excess weight puts undue stress on the lower back

  3. Job risk factors – Jobs that require a lot of lifting, pushing, or pulling can lead to injury and pain.  Conversely, jobs that are sedentary by nature, such as sitting behind a desk all day, can also contribute to lower back pain.

  4. Heavy backpacks (kids) – Backpacks overloaded with books and school supplies can be a source of lower back pain in children, which is otherwise unusual.

  5. Fitness level – Lower back pain is more prevalent in people whose overall level of fitness is poor.  Weakness of the musculature that supports the spine can lead to painful back injuries.

There are many options for temporary relief of lower back pain.  More conservative options include a heating pad to the painful area or soaking in a warm bath.  Many folks also turn to over the counter painkillers or anti-inflammatories.  However, if your low back pain just won’t go away entirely, then the root cause must be determined in order to achieve lasting relief.

The Low Back/Neck Connection

Our spinal column functions to give us stability and support and also protects our vital central nervous system, which consists of the brain and spinal cord.  Either through an accident, injury, or day-to-day wear and tear, vertebrae can misalign and create abnormal tension and stress on the muscles, nerves and other structures that are connected with the spine.  

Because of its shape and how it’s designed to move, the atlas vertebra (the uppermost one in the spine) is most likely to shift out of position.  When this occurs, it causes postural compensations that create muscle spasms and restrictions in range of motion.  Every day in our practice, we see people struggling with low back pain whose problem actually originates in a misalignment of the upper neck.  If you’ve tried a general chiropractic approach and haven’t seen lasting results, it’s possible that an atlas misalignment is to blame for the domino effect of your lower back pain.  If you’re ready for a different approach, and one that can get to the root cause of your low back pain, we’re here to help!  

At N8 Upper Cervical, we provide a solution to back pain by addressing the root cause.  If the problem is coming from an upper cervical misalignment, then a precise, gentle adjustment will address all of the postural compensations that are taking place causing your pain.  Restoring normal alignment will also allow for your body and brain to communicate properly, which can not only alleviate back pain but many other conditions as well.

To schedule a consultation with N8 Upper Cervical Chiropractic clinic, call (02) 8553-6218 or just click the button below.


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