
5 Lesser Known Fibromyalgia Symptoms

The first thing many people think about when they hear the term fibromyalgia is chronic pain.  This, of course, is the hallmark symptom of fibromyalgia.  It is commonly known that fibromyalgia sufferers also experience difficulty sleeping, as well as memory problems sometimes referred to as "fibro fog."  

The millions of people living with fibromyalgia, would likely tell you that there are many more symptoms that they deal with day to day that aren't as well known.  These include:

  1. Headaches

  2. Sensitivity to temperature changes

  3. Numbness or tingling in the arms and/or legs

  4. Restless leg syndrome

  5. Irritable bowel syndrome

The normal course of treating fibromyalgia involves dealing with each symptom individually.  What this usually looks like is various medications to treat sleeplessness, pain, GI issues, and so forth.

Can Upper Cervical Chiropractic Help Fibromyalgia?

Research is being conducted each day on fibromyalgia in order to gain a better understanding of the condition.  Much of this research is looking at the tissues of the central nervous system – the brain and spinal cord – for clues as to why people with fibromyalgia experience such an increased sensitivity to pain.  Upper cervical chiropractic also concerns itself with the central nervous system as it relates to the position of a crucial area of the spine.  The two upper cervical vertebrae, your atlas (C1) and axis (C2), protect the brainstem, which plays an integral part in relaying signals (including those that carry pain sensation) between the brain and body.  Any abnormal positioning of these vertebrae can interrupt normal brain-body communication, contributing to the many symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Many fibromyalgia sufferers report a reduction or even a complete resolution of their symptoms after undergoing upper cervical chiropractic care.  At N8 Upper Cervical we use the NUCCA technique which is known for its gentle and precise adjustments.  If you are tired of chasing around various symptoms and are looking for a natural, lasting solution to fibromyalgia, then upper cervical chiropractic can help.

To schedule a consultation with N8 Upper Cervical Chiropractic clinic, call (02) 8553-6218 or just click the button below.


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