
Why Does Dizziness Occur?

Dizziness is a term used to describe a number of different health conditions including things like disequilibrium and vertigo. What exactly are these conditions?

  • Disequilibrium: feeling as if one is floating or falling and that the floor is tilted; help is needed to get around

  • Vertigo: a sensation that either the person or the things around him are spinning or moving 

What causes dizziness? 

  • Vestibular disorders: This is a problem of the inner ear. Anything affecting the inner ear – infections, fluid buildup, and autoimmune disorders – can cause one’s balance to be thrown off.

  • Certain medicines: Medication to control seizures and depression, tranquilizers, and sedatives all have dizziness as a side effect.

  • Sensory processing disorders: Dizziness results when one of the five senses send improper signals to the brain or if the brain is unable to respond properly. 

  • Neurological problems: Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis (MS), and similar conditions bring about dizziness.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo download our complimentary e-book How to Naturally Relieve Vertigo without Drugs by clicking the image below:

Finding Long-Lasting Relief for Dizziness

One thing all those suffering from dizziness agree on is that they want to find a solution to the problem. Medication often complicates the problem by adding side effects that cause other unwanted symptoms. A good place to find natural, long-lasting relief is by seeking the care of an upper cervical chiropractor, such as those here at our Metro Manila office in the Philippines. 

Often the cause of dizziness has to do with a misalignment in the bones of the upper neck. We use modern technology to find where this misalignment is located. If the C1 is out of place, it can hinder the brainstem from functioning properly, causing the wrong signals to be sent to and from the brain. This creates the ideal scenario for dizziness to occur. 

At N8 Upper Cervical, we use low force corrections to help the bones reposition themselves without twisting or popping the spine. The body can then begin to repair any damage incurred. This often leads to a decrease in dizziness or a complete resolution of it. 

To schedule a consultation with N8 Upper Cervical Chiropractic clinic, call (02) 8553-6218 or just click the button below.


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