
Fibromyalgia: 10 Most Common Signs and How to Find Relief

If you have been diagnosed with  fibromyalgia (FM) or even suspect that you may have it, it can be quite alarming. We are here to help you understand the condition better and find natural relief that really works. 

Fibromyalgia is a medical condition known for chronic widespread pain and a heightened response to pressure. It may be linked to nerve damage. Basically, the brain is registering that there is pain when, in fact, there is little or no pain being experienced. 

There are  10 common signs that may indicate you are suffering from fibromyalgia:

  1. Pain: While pain is the most common symptom of FM, it can present itself in different ways. Some may experience a sensation of stabbing pain throughout the whole body. Others may have chronic dull, achy pain. Pain may be located in one area or multiple areas around the body. The most frustrating thing is that there does not seem to be a reason for the pain to occur. Some patients report having triggers, such as weather changes and stressful situations. 

  2. Sensitivity to touch: Called either hyperesthesia or hyperalgesia, this symptom causes you to feel pain more intensely than those without FM. This may cause patients to be unable to complete their daily activities. Sometimes these flare ups come in cycles when pain worsens and then gets tolerable – just to start all over again.

    1. Hyperesthesia: Increased sensitivity to the sensory input of touch. For example, having just a light blanket on may cause you to feel as if you are trapped under a heavy weight.

    2. Hyperalgesia: Intense pain sensation. In this case, stubbing your toe may cause pain for hours or days afterward.

  3. Sensitivity to the surrounding environment: This symptom involves such things as your senses of sound, sight, and smell and how they tend to be enhanced in a person with FM. For instance, a freshly painted room or cigarette smoke may make one feel nauseated and very sensitive. Cleaners that are chemical based may trigger this as well. Moderate noise may seem very loud and may cause you to have a headache. Lights may seem unduly bright. This can occur even if it’s in your own familiar area. 

  4. Stiff joints and muscles: FM can cause you to feel stiffness in your joints and muscles. Most people feel this after they have done some strenuous activity, but those with FM often have these sensations for no apparent reason. This can be seen throughout the entire body or just may affect one or more muscle or joint groups. It may feel worse upon sitting for long periods or first thing in the morning with no relief upon moving around. In fact, that often makes it worse, and medication offers little or no help. 

  5. Muscle spasms: Everyone has a muscle spasm now and then, but for fibromyalgia patients, they can be extreme. This often happens spontaneously with one or more muscle groups being affected repeatedly. In some cases, they are very random. The worst spasms may occur during the night and may disrupt sleep. 

  6. Extreme fatigue: A large number of FM patients have chronic fatigue and feel exhausted most of the time. It may be due to the nature of the condition draining patients of their energy, or it can be caused by the muscle spasms that lead to someone losing out on a good part of his or her sleep cycle. This takes its toll on the immune system and leads to patients having very low energy levels. 

  7. Problems with concentration: This symptom has earned the nickname “fibro-fog”. Researchers aren’t sure if it’s part of being exhausted all the time or due to a different cause. A patient’s short-term memory is affected in such a way they have a hard time recalling newly learned facts and skills, remembering information, and difficulty concentrating. There is a possibility that FM may actually hinder the brain’s ability to function properly by interfering with the synaptic pathways.

  8. Chronic headaches: These headaches are often severe and debilitating and present as constant pressure or throbbing. They may be felt in the cranium or temples and extend into the neck, shoulders, and upper back. FM patients report that they often get these headaches after being around the environmental factors mentioned above (bright lights, loud noise, or certain odors). Headaches can last hours or even days and may contribute to lack of sleep.

  9. Bowel problems: FM patients are at a higher risk of developing irritable bowel syndrome. Some patients have problems with constipation, while others struggle with diarrhea. 

  10. Depression: It makes sense if you are constantly dealing with pain, lack of sleep, no energy, and missing out on life’s activities you once enjoyed, you may become depressed. However, there is a distinct possibility that FM changes the chemicals in your brain, leading to depression. Family doctors often prescribe depression medication to FM patients.

Finding Natural Relief

If you feel like you fit the above-mentioned symptoms, you may feel a little frightened to have to face such a diagnosis. However, there is a natural way to care for FM that has been proven to be effective. Here at N8 Upper Cervical, we focus on ensuring the proper alignment of the top bones of the neck. If either the C1 or C2 vertebra is out of alignment, it can put the brainstem under stress and cause it to send improper signals to the brain about how much pain the body is feeling.

Using a gentle, precise method, we are able to realign the bones without popping or cracking the spine. This restores proper communication and can lead one to see an improvement in or reversal of fibromyalgia symptoms. 

To schedule a consultation with N8 Upper Cervical Chiropractic clinic, call (02) 8553-6218 or just click the button below.


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