
Pinched Nerves Location Made Simple: What You Need to Know


Has nerve pinching or compression taken away so much from you, like time with your family, peace of mind, and work productivity? Is it getting the best of you every single day and you feel more and more hopeless that you would come across a sustainable and lasting relief option for nerve pain?

It’s not the end of the road yet! While nerve pinching is quite a daunting health problem to deal with especially when not many people around you understand why it happens and how it works, there are proven ways to cope better. One way you can achieve significant pinched nerves relief in Manila is to know exactly where the nerve compression has occurred in your body. Keep reading to understand nerve pinching better.

Where do pinched nerves occur?

Your nerves can get compressed due to pressure from surrounding tissues such as bones, cartilage, and muscles. It can bring pain and lead to numbness, tingling, weakness, or even limited or loss of movement in the affected area. But where exactly can pinched nerves occur? Let's take a look.

#1. Neck

Getting a pinched nerve in your neck, called cervical radiculopathy, is not uncommon. This happens when the nerve roots in the neck area get compressed and inflamed, leading to painful symptoms such as stiff necks. Clients who seek neck pinched nerves relief in Manila also complain about pain and numbness in the shoulder and arm.

#2. Upper middle back 

Also called thoracic radiculopathy, pinched nerves in the upper middle back bring pain and numbness that wrap around your front and side parts. 

#3. Lower back

Pinching a nerve in the lower back, called lumbar radiculopathy, can lead to pain from the lower back radiating down to the hips, buttocks, and legs. This can happen due to the narrowing of a part of your spine. Some known causes of lumbar radiculopathy due to a narrowing spine include bone spurs, disc herniation, or stenosis.

#4. Chest 

Also called thoracic radiculopathy, pinched nerves in the chest bring bouts of sharp, aching, or burning pain in the chest that can spread outwards. Individuals who pinched nerves in the chest also report tingling, pins and needles sensations, and muscle weakness in the affected area. 

#5. Hand, elbow, and wrist

Carpal tunnel syndrome usually causes pinched nerves in these body parts. In addition to pain, there can be symptoms of numbness, tingling sensation, and weakness in the affected hand and even fingers.

How long does it take for a pinched nerve to heal?

Ignoring your pinched nerves may prolong your discomfort. However, if you actively seek pinched nerves relief in Manila and support your effort with proper care, your condition will be more manageable with big chances of full recovery. Some pinched nerve cases resolve in a few days, but some may last longer, between four (4) to six (6) weeks.

What happens if you ignore a pinched nerve?

Pinched nerves can make you feel numb and weak, with tingling sensations in the affected area. Ignoring pinched nerves that last beyond six weeks may progress to permanent nerve damage and bring chronic pain. If your symptoms don't go away on their own, book a consultation with your healthcare provider, or you may explore promising alternative care, such as upper cervical chiropractic adjustments.

Upper Cervical Care for Pinched Nerves Relief in Manila

Several pinched nerves cases have been linked to upper cervical spine misalignment. Sometimes, the problem in the lower back can stem from the neck. Pinched nerves can also develop from mild or severe trauma or injury to the neck or head. In addition, natural wear and tear, poor posture, and repetitive stress in the neck can also lead to misalignments and pinched nerves.

Correcting the misalignments can relieve the pressure and stress on the nerves. If you have been experiencing pinched nerves symptoms lingering for weeks, you may benefit from this form of natural care. 

Upper cervical chiropractors like Miguel P. Flores, D.C. and Gabriel P. Flores, D.C. will be able to determine if a neck bone misalignment is linked to your pinched nerve. To do so, you must undergo physical examinations, advanced imaging scanning of your uppermost neck bones, and other necessary diagnostic procedures. 

Once pressure and compression are relieved from your affected nerve, your muscles, tissues, joints, and ligaments will slowly return to their normal function, and you will notice your symptoms slowly disappear.

If a pinched nerve has been bothering you, reach out to N8 Upper Cervical Chiropractic. Make sure you book your appointment ahead to avoid waiting in line. Use this booking link to get started with your upper cervical care.

To schedule a consultation with N8 Upper Cervical Chiropractic clinic, call (02) 8553-6218 or just click the button below. 


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