
Relieving the 3 Most Debilitating Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia causes whole-body pain that is unbearable for many patients and makes them seek the help of an upper cervical chiropractor in Manila. No matter what medication they take or simple the activity they perform, fibromyalgia brings an achiness in the muscles and joints that stays consistently. 

Fibromyalgia patients often do not have the energy and motivation to do daily tasks due to pain. Besides chronic pain, the condition also presents other symptoms, including sleep issues, digestion problems, cognitive changes, and restless leg syndrome. The worse part is that sometimes not even rest or self-care can relieve these symptoms of fibromyalgia. 

Fibromyalgia Pain 

Explaining the Science Behind Pain Perception

Pain perception is a complex process, particularly for those people with fibromyalgia. In simple words, nerve endings within the skin pick up input from a person’s surroundings. The skin feels whether an object it touches is hot, cold, sharp, heavy, or otherwise painful. This kind of input becomes nerve signals that travel over various nerve pathways to the spinal cord and brain.

The Big Role of the Central Nervous System in Pain Perception

This is where the central nervous system (CNS) gets involved. Certain parts of the CNS translate those signals as different kinds of pain – dull, throbbing, aching, sharp, etc. The CNS is also responsible for transmitting signals to help the body avoid painful stimuli. For example, if you touch a hot pot, your brain will translate that it is burning, and make you withdraw your hand immediately. 

Studies suggest that there is possibly some dysfunction or irregularity in the processing of pain signals in people with fibromyalgia. The dysfunction may be a result of having a body that is hypersensitive to stimuli. As a result, fibromyalgia patients may perceive nonpainful stimuli as extremely painful. Another research study showed that fibromyalgia might be due to a reduction in blood flow to certain parts of the brain that play a role in helping the body cope with pain. 

Fibro Fog

Another hallmark symptom of fibromyalgia is fibro fog. It pertains to the changes in cognition that often occur in fibromyalgia patients. Fibro fog involves short-term memory issues, difficulty concentrating, confusion, and forgetfulness. It can be frustrating to deal with because patients may easily misplace things or forget plans. As a result, fibro fog can greatly affect the quality of life of anyone having it. 

Fibromyalgia Fatigue

Fatigue afflicts the majority of fibromyalgia patients, and it is often severe. This can be a big problem, especially since fibromyalgia patients usually suffer from the inability to sleep, resulting in a vicious cycle of needing sleep but repeatedly not gaining enough rest. Fatigue and sleep problems can involve the following:

  • Inability to sleep due to pain

  • Lack of deep, restful sleep

  • Sleep apnea

  • Restless leg syndrome (RLS)

  • Reduced REM (rapid eye movement) sleep

Fatigue is the common denominator between fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). No wonder many people mistakenly think these conditions are the same. Despite their symptom overlap, fibromyalgia and CFS are different. Fatigue linked with fibromyalgia is only secondary to the chronic pain that is experienced.

Taking Care of the Central Nervous System to Relieve Fibromyalgia

As doctors and researchers uncover more information about fibromyalgia, the existence of a neurological factor in fibromyalgia is becoming evident. In particular, we need to address the way the central nervous system processes pain to relieve all its debilitating symptoms. 

The CNS has the brainstem, which serves as a switchboard for pain processing and transmitting of other crucial information regarding the body’s functions. The brainstem gets protection from the atlas (C1) vertebra. The atlas has a unique shape and two main responsibilities: 

  1. To enable the head to move freely in all directions

  2. To support the weight of the head

An Atlas Misalignment Can Be the Root Cause

Due to the unique shape and function of the atlas, it can be at higher risk of misaligning. This often happens from normal wear and tear, an injury, or trauma of the head and neck (upper cervical spine). Interestingly, many cases of fibromyalgia developed after a stressful event, injury, or illness. An atlas misalignment can irritate and hamper the functions of the central nervous system. 

N8 Upper Cervical in Makati, Metro Manila Has the Solution

This is what an upper cervical chiropractor in Manila does to care for fibromyalgia patients. Here at N8 Upper Cervical in Makati, Metro Manila, we use the upper cervical chiropractic care that addresses the spinal misalignments. We help the central nervous system recover through gentle adjustment of the atlas. Any misalignment in the spine can have a negative effect on the body’s overall health. 

If an upper cervical misalignment exists, then it could be contributing in the abnormal pain processing, fatigue, and brain fog associated with fibromyalgia. We use a unique technique to correct an atlas misalignment. Every adjustment we do is specific and customized for each patient since we have a thorough process, and we utilize diagnostic imaging and x-rays to locate the misalignment. 

Once patients have the proper alignment of their atlas, the next objective of upper cervical chiropractors is to allow your body to mend and maintain that alignment for as long as possible. This yields the most successful outcomes, causing the reduction or elimination altogether of fibromyalgia symptoms. Call us at (63 2) 553-6218 or visit our website to set an appointment with us. Experience upper cervical chiropratic care and stay clear of pain, fibro fog, and fatigue.



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